How to create a virtual host
Since version 2.0, to add a host, it is enough to create a folder with the domain name inside home and restart HomServ.
You can also create a host through the control panel - this will allow specify an arbitrary path and additional parameters.

How to run php script
You need to place the script in the directory of one of the virtual hosts and go from the browser to the appropriate address.
For example:
home\first\index.php - http://first/index.php or http://first/
home\second\test.php - http://second/test.php
home\second\gb\index.php - http://second/gb/index.php or http://second/gb/

What parameters are needed to connect to MySQL
First you need to create a database and a user through the control panel. The server name is localhost. As a username and password, you can also use root and homserv respectively.

How to set chmod
No way. There is no such thing as chmod on Windows. Everything will work without it.

How to send mail from PHP
In the "General settings" section, check the "via external SMTP" flag and input options for your SMTP server

Error. The hosts file is not writable
Run sethosts.bat from tools folder as administrator, then restart HomServ.

Virtual hosts not working except localhost
Check if offline mode is enabled
Check if the proxy server is enabled
Try using a different browser

I need additional PHP modules
Enable the necessary modules in the "PHP Modules" section of the control panel

How to configure FTP sync
1. Go to the FTP sync section > Add task
2. Local directory - full path to the virtual host directory, for example C:\Web\home\example
3. FTP host, login and password - data for accessing the ftp server, for example, example and pass respectively
4. Remote directory - a directory on the ftp server. The contents of the remote directory must match (at least partially) the local one at the time the task was added, otherwise the update will not work. For example /public_html for CPanel, /www/ for ISPManager, /domains/ for DirectAdmin.
5. Directories not subject to update - this may be necessary if, for example, you have large directories with content and you do not want to update them. Directories must be specified from the local/remote directory, one per line, for example /zagruzki.
6. Use the following links to start the update:
[hs > host] - Search for changes in the local directory and upload the changed files to the remote directory.
[host > hs] - Search for changes in the remote directory and upload the changed files to the local one.
To quickly start the update, you can add a link [hs > host] or [host > hs] to bookmarks